Archive | January, 2013

Australian Scientists say they have made a breakthrough that could lead to a potential cure for AIDS.

23 Jan

Of course this is wonderful news for those infected by the HIV virus as potentially it could represent a cure for AIDS.  Realistically the this potential cure will be several years away from implementation.


This still leaves us with the situation in Australia with more than 30,000 people that have been diagnosed with HIV.  With the disease such as HIV that can present few or no symptoms there will be a much higher number than this that are actually infected with the disease.


Still the greatest weapon against HIV is HIV testing.  Once diagnosed with HIV very few individuals will go on to infect others with this potentially deadly virus.  Untested and undiagnosed HIV positive individuals represent a severe health risk to the Australian public.


One method of HIV testing that is both convenient and private to individuals and as such growing in popularity is the use of HIV test kits or home test kits as they are sometimes called.  Purchasing and HIV home test kit in Australia is a simple and convenient process as they can be readily purchased through online vendors such as Head Start Testing.  Using an HIV test kit is a simple process that involves the introduction of a small sample of blood, normally one or two drops into a testing device that contains a reactant to the HIV antibodies.  The HIV home test kits clearly display a negative or a positive result to the HIV test and include a third result, they failed test.  When purchasing and HIV test kit for private HIV testing it is essential that you select a product that has been manufactured under GMP and ISO standards.