Archive | July, 2012

I need an HIV test, how do I go about doing that?

25 Jul

Today you have various HIV testing methods to choose from. All will test you for the HIV anti-bodies and not the actual virus itself so before you test you need to understand the HIV window period.

Regardless of which one of the HIV testing methods you choose to use, it is essential that you understand the HIV anti-bodies are produced in response to the virus and this can take up to 12 weeks in a normal adult. This means that if you had unprotected sex last night, that it may take up to 12 weeks to show up in your blood or saliva. The majority of adults will show within 4 weeks but 12 weeks is seen as the critical cut off period to be certain you are HIV negative. As such many people that test through STD clinics or through online HIV test kit vendors like will test at 4, 8 and 12 weeks.

An HIV test is the only certain way to know if you have the HIV virus. No HIV symptoms are specific enough or reliable enough to act as a diagnosis.

Bearing in mind the above information, and respecting the testing intervals you have the following HIV testing methods available to you. Remember you may choose to test 3 times if your exposure is recent and you do not want to wait until 12 weeks.

-Consult your doctor who will either arrange a test of refer you to a testing centre.

-Visit an STD clinic for testing.

-Locate your city’s HIV or AIDS foundation and enquire if they have a testing centre.

-Buy an HIV self- test kit (or HIV rapid test kit) from an online supplier such as Head Start Testing. These HIV test kits are not available yet over the counter.

HIV Test – Privacy V2

9 Jul

If you thought you had a life threatening disease that responded to treatment, would you go to the doctor or would you risk leaving it undetected?

Chances are that your immediate answer is Yes. However if that concern is that you may be showing symptoms of HIV or you had un-protected sex and are worried you may have been exposed to the HIV virus, then you may be one of many people who don’t seek medical advice.

Std testing is a very common practice so why are so many individuals putting of their HIV test.

It seems logical to assume that those who know they have been at risk of contracting HIV, and chose not to test do so for reasons of privacy and convenience. After all, in Australia we have a variety of reliable, fairly accessible HIV testing options available to us. These facilities are normally accompanied with pre and post result counselling. Often there is no charge for these tests and they can also be carried out anonymously. But still, many at risk choose to not test, or simply put it off until it is too late and they have infected others. The only logical reason for doing that must be a privacy issue. Many who are worried about HIV symptoms or HIV infection simply can’t bring themselves to face another (even their doctor) and explain their situation.

With that assumption in place it is impossible to not see value in HIV home testing kits as offered by Head Start Testing. Properly manufactured, supplied and used they are accurate, private and fast.  Whatever % of those at risk who do not test for privacy, they now have an alternate way to test for HIV at home. If can get x% of them tested, we are making progress.